Today is Valentine's Day... How you can't know it. All the time I see hearts and roses.. If you love someone you should act out your love all the time. I think that love can be really annoying and sometimes dangerous. I can love someone as a friend or family member, that's all. I think that this feeling is illness if you adore someone. Butterflies in your stomach, lack of appetite, you can't focus - it sounds like sings of a disease, isn't it? You can't stop think about somebody and if this person tell you that you should jump off the brigde, I'm 100% sure that you'll do it! This is madness! Aside from this in my opinion kissing, having sex only for fun is stupid and I don't see any sense in this... I sometimes think like "Oh she's hot", but I don't want to date or get married with this person.
O.K. I'm talking too much about things that I don't like so let's see something else. Today in school was pretty nice day. I get 5 and another 5 form PP lessons (basics of enterpreneurship). Our classgroup didn't have a geography and math lessons. Also I didn't have a typicall english lessons, cause to our school came people from student exchange. Two girls from Russia and El Salvador and boy from Vietnam. We had lesson with girl from El Salvador. It was great cause she talked about interesting things and I play a kind of toy. It was fun. On the next year I invite a sudent from exchange to my house. To do this I must learn english. So cross your fingers :D
Be my Valentine?
mam dużo refleksji na temat tej notki, ale chyba mi się nie zmieszczą.
OdpowiedzUsuńps:ładne serducho <3
A ja mam zapytanie pewnę,
OdpowiedzUsuńczy poczta walentynkowa została dziś rozdana?
Bo ani widu ani słychu.
Serce wspaniałe. :P I zrozumiałam każde słowo z postu, co mnie cieszy. W ogóle komunikacja z obcokrajowcami poszerza horyzonty i sprawia, że możemy się więcej dowiedzieć. Et c'est génial. xD