Last two days were pretty cool. First of all friday was really great because:
Primo - we had many replacements in school because there weren't our polish, geography and chemistry teachers.
Secundo - in friday was punk rock gig in 'Impuls' club. It was really most amazing gig I've ever been. I met there some people, but about one person who came I can say persona non grata. I hate stupid, ignorant people who treat girls like toys. I think that Roksana also hate these people. When she saw this person I thought that she's going to punch him in his face. Unfortunately she didn't. I'm too big coward to do this. Anyway. Gig was great. There was good music, there was pogo. I can't wait to go to the next gig. So please come, there is so much fun.
Now you know that my friday was great, but saturday was way better. Lidka wrote to me on Gadu-Gadu chat. I didn't expect that. Our chat made me very happy. We make up and soon we're going somewhere. I hope that our meeting make new start to us.
Siedzisz przede mną i słyszę jak i co myślisz.
Niczym rok jesteś latem, by później stać się zimą.
Uśmiechem mnie obdarowując zabierasz go grymasem.
Czuję, że umieram razem z Twoją miną.
Nie widzisz Tego, bo rolą mą grać żywego
Człowieka niczym słoneczniki latem.
Dlatego raduję się i śmieję się, lecz nie całkiem,
Bo to co daleko stąd płacze jest dla mnie całym światem.
Uśmiech więc jeszcze raz wzniosę ku wam.
I również tym razem wszyscy go zobaczycie.
Nie będę płakał, bo i tak nikt nie usłyszy.
Z resztą i tak nie mam po co, bo za bardzo kocham życie.
Niczym rok jesteś latem, by później stać się zimą.
Uśmiechem mnie obdarowując zabierasz go grymasem.
Czuję, że umieram razem z Twoją miną.
Nie widzisz Tego, bo rolą mą grać żywego
Człowieka niczym słoneczniki latem.
Dlatego raduję się i śmieję się, lecz nie całkiem,
Bo to co daleko stąd płacze jest dla mnie całym światem.
Uśmiech więc jeszcze raz wzniosę ku wam.
I również tym razem wszyscy go zobaczycie.
Nie będę płakał, bo i tak nikt nie usłyszy.
Z resztą i tak nie mam po co, bo za bardzo kocham życie.
I want to share some pictures of best days of my life. Of course I haven't a digital camera so I can't take photos in every moments of my live. I have so much pics form Raffcia ( and from Ala ( But there was more beautiful moments but no photos :( If human body could take pictures...
It's from our school ball. On the pic Jaśmina (my wife) and Raffaella (daughter).
Daria, Raffaella, Ola/Cziken, Ala (background), I and Jaśmina. We look like a family, aren't we?
It's from Spain. This 'Bieber' look made by Iluzja and my hair stylist.
Kornel, myself, Jaśmina and Szymon
Still Spain
Jaśmina (background), Patka, Ewelina/Iluzja (my stylist), I and Ola/Cziken
From meeting in Raffcia's home. Raffaella and Raffaell and bottle of Tymbark :D
There was very very hot!
Daddy and daughty (?!)
Kasia (still in Raffcia's home)
Ola and I. Our holiday meeting :)
There was really cold ;p Meeting with Martyna and Lidka.
Still with Lidka and Martyna
I with Tina (now she's way bigger). In Lidka's house
Our family :D In Raffcia's room. Btw I look like emo xD
Coocking with students from abroad. Raffcia looks great :)
Natalia. Yes, she's russian and she smiles.
I with Damarys.
You know what? I found today a bracelet with some colorful squares. On these squares are letters F-R-I-E-N-D-S. This bracelet gave me special person. We were good friends, but something started crushing. We argued more often and I said stop. I could do something else. Go by more peaceful way. But I didn't... Now we don't talk with each other and even this person will forgive me our relationship will not be the same.
Wiecie co? Znalazłem dziś bransoletkę z kolorowymi kwadracikami. Były na nich literki F-R-I-E-N-D-S. Tę bransoletkę dała mi szczególna osoba. Byliśmy dobrymi przyjaciółmi, ale coś zaczęło się między nami psuć. Częściej się kłóciliśmy i bardziej poważnie. Powiedziałem dość. Mogłem zrobić coś innego, pójść bardziej pokojową drogą, ale nie poszedłem... Teraz nie rozmawiamy ze sobą i nawet jeśli ta osoba mi wybaczy kiedykolwiek to nasze relacje nie będą już takie jak kiedyś.
How can I shoud tell you...?
At first I wanted to start with some photos by Raffaella (you are my best paparazzo) but next post will be full of photos. So you must wait. I only want to write that students I met this week were so, so great.
Natalia (Russia) is very nice, kind and wise. She told me something very real. Oh and she's very patient, because she has talked with me long time. (Did I say that my english is poor?) She made with girls very tasty salad Vinegred.
Damarys (El Salvador) is snappy. She's like fire. (Krzysiek, kurwa nie pierdol! xD) She made pupusas also tasty.
Vietnamese boy (I don't know how to write his name) is really funny. He sing very well and he do some magic tricks with spoons.
I'm upset, cause they leaved. Asia (Natalia's host and my friend) told me that she wants to go to Sweden where Natalia is studying. Now I don't know do I want be a student's host. I'm affraid that I will miss so much.
PS I dedicate this post to my 'number one' fan :)
PS2 Remember about next post :)
Natalia (Russia) is very nice, kind and wise. She told me something very real. Oh and she's very patient, because she has talked with me long time. (Did I say that my english is poor?) She made with girls very tasty salad Vinegred.
Damarys (El Salvador) is snappy. She's like fire. (Krzysiek, kurwa nie pierdol! xD) She made pupusas also tasty.
Vietnamese boy (I don't know how to write his name) is really funny. He sing very well and he do some magic tricks with spoons.
I'm upset, cause they leaved. Asia (Natalia's host and my friend) told me that she wants to go to Sweden where Natalia is studying. Now I don't know do I want be a student's host. I'm affraid that I will miss so much.
PS I dedicate this post to my 'number one' fan :)
PS2 Remember about next post :)
Happy Valentine's Day.... or not.
Today is Valentine's Day... How you can't know it. All the time I see hearts and roses.. If you love someone you should act out your love all the time. I think that love can be really annoying and sometimes dangerous. I can love someone as a friend or family member, that's all. I think that this feeling is illness if you adore someone. Butterflies in your stomach, lack of appetite, you can't focus - it sounds like sings of a disease, isn't it? You can't stop think about somebody and if this person tell you that you should jump off the brigde, I'm 100% sure that you'll do it! This is madness! Aside from this in my opinion kissing, having sex only for fun is stupid and I don't see any sense in this... I sometimes think like "Oh she's hot", but I don't want to date or get married with this person.
O.K. I'm talking too much about things that I don't like so let's see something else. Today in school was pretty nice day. I get 5 and another 5 form PP lessons (basics of enterpreneurship). Our classgroup didn't have a geography and math lessons. Also I didn't have a typicall english lessons, cause to our school came people from student exchange. Two girls from Russia and El Salvador and boy from Vietnam. We had lesson with girl from El Salvador. It was great cause she talked about interesting things and I play a kind of toy. It was fun. On the next year I invite a sudent from exchange to my house. To do this I must learn english. So cross your fingers :D
Be my Valentine?
evil i
I'd wanted to write something about someone, but I know that this person can read my blog. So I started think about myself. I am most fucking duplicitous person I ever met... How can I be a friend in there and be an enemy here? And I don't know I should tell this person that I don't like him/her, or maybe change my opinion about it... Well ok. I don't like this person, but he/she makes me sometimes happy and I really don't want to argue. Great, another dilema. I should have a conversation about it with Kasia. She knows something about my dilemas cause I speak with her about it all the time. I think she's a little bit tierd because of this. I can't understand people, who says that I'm good. I don't feel like a good person. I feel rather like a mean person. So this is me - evil I.
Hey! I'm going to write this note in english cause if you speak english so many peaple can understand you and I copied this idea from ( I hope I have some english-speaking readers too ), but I'm not the best english-speaking person so I hope you'll understand. In last friday I went with Kasia to ToMy on the vernissage, string quarter concert and performance of theatral group "Trzcina". The concert was nice. One of my favourite teachers - Karina Góra was playing on the cello. Next the vernissage begun. There were paintings by Karina Góra and Paulina Rodzeń. Later begun performance by Trzcina called "Puppeteer's dream". The story is about Puppeteer and his puppets. When he's tierd after fixing his puppets he falls asleep. Then dolls become real. Elf-doll, Geisha-doll, Ballerina-doll, Pretty-doll and doll with key. Dolls are meeting each other and they are dancing. Later puppets meet last doll - Him. He shows to the other dolls his red rope. He give this rope to other puppets. Dolls are happy but happiness quickly disappear when dolls are tied on their hands. Now He can do with dolls whatever he wants. He drags dolls to the dark side. Puppets get angry but they still obey their master. Fortunately Puppeteer find his lost dolls. He tie Him-doll and throws him to a box. Puppeteer wake up. It was just only a dream.
So I hope that my english isn't really poor. Raffcia say so. I hope you understand me :) Bye.
So I hope that my english isn't really poor. Raffcia say so. I hope you understand me :) Bye.
W środę byłem z Patrycją, Olą i Halą w teatrze w Łodzi na przedstawieniu pt. "Dybuk". Występ ten tak mnie pozytywnie zaskoczył, że z chęcią wybrałbym się na niego jeszcze raz. Pomimo tego, że to dramat to zawiera też elementy grozy, przez co stało się to dla mnie bardziej fascynujące. Historia tego dramatu opowiada o Chonenie - młodym żydzie, który studiuje Kabałę, by posiąść Leę, swoją wybrankę serca. Na wieść, że jej ojciec znalazł dla niej innego kandydata na męża umiera rażony siłą nieziemską. Jego dusza nie mogąc zaznać spokoju wstępuje w Leę jako dybuk tuż przed ceremonią ślubną. To jest niestety jedyny sposób w jaki może się połączyć ze swoją ukochaną. Przerażona rodzina Lei zanosi ją do cadyka, by ten wypędził z jej ciała złego ducha, lecz to zadanie nie będzie łatwe. Czy cadykowi uda się wypędzić dybuka z dziewczyny? Czy miłość Chonena pozwoli mu zostać w ciele swej wybranki? Kto na prawdę jest przeznaczony Lei i jakie jeszcze niespodzianki czekają bohaterów? Jeśli chcecie się dowiedzieć, zapraszam serdecznie na spektakl. Gorąco polecam.
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