1. I didn't expect that my illness is so strong. I am so stupid and weak. I can't fight with it. It's too good. Why you didn't make it easier? You disease.
2. Last saturday was fantastic! Roksana's 18'th birthday! Best wishes! I can't wait my 18th b-day ;) I hope it will be nice, but I know that Roksana's party is the best ever!
3. I am going to go to english lessons with Justyna (Segiko). I know it will be fun, but I'm not sure about my english. I think it isn't the best and I'm affraid to make funny situations. You know, like embarrassing situations... The same with pronunciation. I know it sucks, but I can say 'Harry Potter' with brittish accent. But only after drinking alcohol ;)
4. I dedicate this post to Lidka cause she ask me about that. So Lidka it's for you :) Enjoy